Room Unit RU v02

This modul is the core component of my home automation project. The main properties are:

  • based on the W5500-EVB-Pico module,
  • Raspberry RP2040 dual-core Cortex M0+ microcontroller, 133Mhz clock,
  • 2MByte Flash, 264kByte RAM,
  • WIZnet W5500 wired Ethernet TCP/IP chip,
  • 8 inputs, dry contact or 1-Wire temperature sensor, ESD-safe,
  • 7 outputs, isolated, AC 240V 2A SSR (I use G3MB-202Ps, but the PCB can accept other types too, f. e. CPC1981Y),
  • PCB size: 98 x 59 mm,
  • 5V supply voltage.

Of course it is possible to use other Pico compatible modules, f. e. Pico W with Wifi or normal Pico without network.

Why 5V power input? Because the unit can be used together with cheap 5V POE adapters (mainly used for security cameras). POE + power supply togerher, not a bad thing, but the next generation is already in the plans with integrated POE/24VDC converters. It will be more expensive, but easier to install.

This is the V02. The V03 is on the way, the only change is that it has a slightly smaller PCB (90 x 59 mm).


The R17-R23 resistors are needed only for the CPC and similar relays (they don't have built-in current limiting resistors) and the value of them depends on the type of the relay (normally 220R-1k). For the used G3MBs they should be 0R.

The wetting current of the input contacts is ~3mA. If you don't use 1-Wire sensors you can slightly increase it, but don't overload the 3V3 regulator!

The firmware is based on the WIZnet MQTT examples. Works perfectly, together with Node-Red it is possible to build very complex systems. I will publish my version later.




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